Pond Maintenance & Supplies

 Your lawn and garden experts with knowledgeable staff to answer your questions.  We provide solutions to your lawn problems.  We highly recommend soil testing to better understand the soil composition and the lacking nutrients. 

Pond and Lake Maintenance

Pond Dye

Enhances the color of your pond or lake, filters light entering water to reduce algae growth

  • Crystal Blue Pond Dye
  • AquaShade Pond Dye


Helps naturally occurring bacteria to consume more nutrients, preventing them from remaining in the water and causing contamination.

  • Natural Pond Cleaner
  • Pure Bacteria 


Eliminates algae and reduces growth 

  • Crystal Plex Algae Control
  • Cutrine-Plus Algaecide
  • Cutrine-Plusn Granular


Control aquatic weeds

  • Navigate
  • Aquathol K 
  • Aquathol Super K

The key to effective weed and algae control is through weed indentification.  Using the right product to control a specific weed or algae is crucial and most economical in successfully treating your pond or lake.  Bring in your troublesome weed and we would be happy to help identify the weed and offer recommendations to treat properly.

For more information about the products we carry check out the following websites:

Sanco Industries – Crystal Blue – Natural Pond Cleaner, Crystal Plex, Catt Plex , Copper Sulfate, Water Soluble packs, Aerators

Applied Biochemists – Aquashade, Cutrine Plus, Navigate, Restore

Organic Pond (Made in Michigan) – Pure Blue, Pure Black, Pure Bacteria, Clean-Clear-Blue

Pond Care – Algaefix, Accu-Clear

Other products available:

  • Barley Pellets Plus
  • Barley Flakes
  • Surfactants
  • Aquatic Plant Fertilizer
  • Aerators (special order)