Your source for weed, pest and lawn disease control products!
Talstar Xtra
Bifenthrin granules are designed for perimeter treatments of surface feeders: ants. ataenius, bill bugs, chinch bugs, earwigs, and sod webworms. Eliminates the bugs you formerly used Diazinon and Dursban to kill. Must be watered in immediately after application.
Aloft LC
Aloft Lc provides both preventative and curative protection of surface and soil feeding turf pests including white grubs. Apply April through September for flexible application options. Fast, systemic control and lasting residual control with one product.
Bifenthrin 7.9%
Rate: .33-1 oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Sure-fire control of the toughest pest problems, including: termites, carpenter ants and all species of lawn ants in and around homes, commercial and industrial building, recreational areas, athletic fields, lawns and ornamentals.
ImidaCloprid 0.5G
Rate: 1.4-1.8 lb/1000 sq. ft.
Insecticides used for the control of soil inhabiting pests of turfgrass. It can also be used for the suppression of cutworms in turfgrass areas.
Also Available
- Abamectin (1 qt.)
- Avid (1 qt.)
- Carbaryl (2.5 gal.) (Sevin)
- Imidacloprid 2F ( 1 gal.)
- Orthene (1/3 lb. wsp)
- Tempo SC Ultra (240ml.)
- Tekko Pro insecticide (16oz)
Propiconazole 14.3 Select (Gunner)
1 Gallon
See label for disease specific rates. Propiconazole is a systemic fungicide for use on turf grasses for the control of dollar spot, brown patch, anthracnose, red thread, rust, powdery mildew, stripe smit, summer patch, necrotic ring spot, spring dead spot, take-all patch, leaf spot, gray leaf spot, pink snow mold, Fusarium patch, gray snow mold, and yellow patch.
Eagle 20EW
1 Gal and 2.5 Gal
Rate: 1.0-2.4 fl oz./1000
A systematic, protectant and curative fungicide for disease control in turf grass (including golf course fairways, roughs, tee boxes, and greens.)
Mefenoxam 2 AQ
1 Gallon
Rate: 1.0-2.4 fl oz./1000
A water-based fungicide with low odor. Systemic mode of action and translocation through the plant can provide up to 3 weeks protection. An excellent solution for Pythium, Yellow Tuft and Downy Mildew.
Pillar G
30 lbs
Rate: See label
A combination fungicide of pyraclostrobin and triticonazole on a granular carrier. This combination of two highly effective active ingredients delivers excellent disease control on numerous disease problems. these disease include dollar spot, anthracnose, patch diseases, snow molds and leaf spots.
Echo 720 (Chlorothalonill)
2.5 Gallon
Rate: See Label
ECHO 720 is a professional fungicide for commercial use. It is also for commercial conifer farms and greenhouse ornamental plants, including broadleaf shrubs and trees, along with flowing plants and bulbs, and foliage plants. It controls many of most common diseases associated with commercial growing, including dollar spot, brown patch, leaf spot, stem rust for turf-grass, and leaf spots and foliar blights, flower blights and flower spots, powdery mildews and rust.
Pre-Emergence Herbicides
QuinClorac 1.5L (Drive XLR8)
1/2 gallon (liquid formation)
Rate: 64 oz. per Acre
Drive is a selective herbicide with both pre and post mergence activity that gets tough broadleaf weeds and grasses like clove, dandelion and crabgrass. The dry-flowable formulation of DRIVE contains 75% of the active ingredient, quinclorac.
SnapShot 2.5 TG (TI 2.5G)
50 lb bag
Rate: 2.3-4.6 lbs per 1000 sq. ft.
A granular pre-emergence herbicide for control of many broadleaf weeds and annual grasses in ornamental beds, nurseries, Christmas trees, non-bearing fruit and nut crops.
Semera SC
Available in 8 fl. Oz. and 1 gallon. Semera SC herbicide offers pre and post emergent control of problematic grasses and broadleaf weeds in non-crop areas where bare ground is desired. Compatible with other post-emergent herbicides for extended control. Exceptional value for quick and selective residual control. Use in established woody ornamentals in landscapes, container and field-grown conifers and deciduous trees, and slow moving or quiescent waters.
Battleship III
2.5 gal
Battleship is used for the control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in ornamental turf including sod farms. Contains MCPA, FLU ROXYPYR, AND TRICLOPYR. Battleship controls: Dandelion, Chickweed, Black medic, Knotweed, Plantain, Oxalis, Clover, Cocklebur, Thistle and other listed species of broadleaf weeds
Sublime™ Herbicide
Sublime™ is the only product on the market powered by the combination of triclopyr, dicamba and mesotrione. This innovative non-phenoxy formulation reliably delivers a much wider spectrum of selective, post-emergent and residual control, particularly on many of the most challenging broadleaf and grassy weeds in turfgrass. In addition to an unprecedented level of performance, the unique blend of active ingredients in Sublime suppresses the common and unsightly bleaching symptoms that can be caused by mesotrione alone.
Surmise® SpeedPro™ XT
Surmise® SpeedPro XT combines the broad-spectrum power of glufosinate and enhanced speed of pelargonic acid with the long-lasting control of imazethapyr. This powerful trifecta is an excellent alternative to glyphosate herbicides and provides quick knockdown and superb non-selective control of a variety of annual and perennial weeds for at least three months. Surmise SpeedPro XT is an ideal solution for weed management along driveways, parking lots, right-of-way areas, fence rows, and a variety of other non-crop areas. Do not use Surmise SpeedPro XT on desirable foliage or young plants, fruit or vegetable plants, in lawns or for lawn renovations, or in areas that will be planted or seeded within three months.
Gallery 75DF
1 lb
Rate: .66-1.33 lbs per Acre
A selective pre-emergence herbicide for control of many broadleaf weeds. Excellent control of clover in turf. Great tank mix with Surflan in ornamental beds and nurseries.
QuinClorac 75DF
1 lb (Wettable Powder)
Rate: 1 lb. per Acre
Quinclorac 75DF is a selective herbicide with both pre and post emergence activity that gets tough broadleaf weeds and grasses in turf. Meso 45C inhibits photosynthesis in susceptible plants and is absorbed systemically through leaves, roots, and shoots. It is post patent Tenacity. Weeds controlled included crabgrass, ground ivy, yellow foxtail, yellow nutsedge, and dandelion.
Meso 4SC
8 oz. and 1 gal. with syringe
Rate: 4-8 oz. per Acre
A pre and post-emergent herbicide for control of more than 45 broadleaf weeds and grasses in turf. Meso 4SC inhibits photosynthesis in susceptible plants and is absorbed systemically through leaves, roots, and shoots. It is post patent tenancy. Weeds and controlled included crabgrass, ground ivy, yellow foxtail, yellow nutsedge, and dandelion. Can be applied anytime you are seeding including overseedings of established turf, bare ground seeding or during renovation.
Available in 10 lb. and 50 lb. Crew combines the power of two active ingredients dithiopyr and isoxaben using Verge ganule technology. Easy to use preemergence granule for turfgrass and landscape bed needs. Application flexibility and long lasting results up to five months. Crew provides broad spectrum preemergence control of grassy and broadleaf wees, such as crabgrass, dandelion, chickweed and spurge all season long.
Also Available
- Prodiamine 4FL (2.5 gal.)
- Dimension 2EW (2.5 gal)
Post-Emergence Herbicides
Triad Select
2.5 gallons (also in 55, and 275 gal.)
Rate: 1.1-1.5 oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
The standby for turf herbicides for use on cool season grasses to kill broadleaf weeds. For newly seeded areas do not apply until after the 2nd mowing.
Glyphosate 41%
2.5 gal and 30 gal Drum
Rate: See Label
Contains 41% glyphosate with a fully loaded surfactant-rainfast in 2 hours, no additional surfactant needed.
2.5 gallons (Also 30 and 55 gal.)
Rate: 1.2 -1.5 oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Surge broadleaf herbicide for turf provides an Amine option for fast weed control in warm weather.
Escalade (2)
2.5 gallons
Rate: .73-1.1 fl. oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Broadleaf weed control in ornamental lawns and turf grasses. Contains 2, 4-D, Fluroxypyr and Dicamba. Also available in low odor.
A highly refined Tryclopyr formulation with turfgrass labeling.Lower usage rates than 3A & 4E formulations with increased plant uptake.Excellent option to tank mix with 3way herbicides for superior control of broadleaf weeds.
Horse Power
2.5 gallons
Rate: .73-1.1 fl. oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
A 2, 4-D free herbicide with MCPA, TRICLOPYR, and DICAMBA. (Great for Schools.)
T-Zone SE
2.5 gallons
Rate: 1.5-3.0 oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
A broadleaf herbicide for tough weeds that uses the proven performance of triclopyr and precise ratios of multiple active ingredients to provide effective cool weather weed control. This product kills the toughest broadleaf weeds on turf, including wild violet, ground ivy, oxtails, and clover. It even provides suppression of young and actively growing yellow nutsedge.
Q4 Plus
1 gallon and 2.5 gallons
Rate: 7-8 Pints/Acre
Provides post-emergent yellow nutsedge suppression, crabgrass control, and broadleaf weeds.
RoundUp QuikPro Dry
6.8 lb
Rate: See label
Contains 73.3% Glyphosate and 2.9% Diquat for a faster kill; therefore, Scythe is not always needed. Still has no soil residual activity.
Vexis Herbicide granular uses the proprietary new active indgredient pyrimisulfan to deliver exceptional control of sedge and kyllinga species, plus listed broadleaf weeds. Reduces potential drift with a granular application and can be applied to wet or dry turf. Vexis can be used on established listed cool season and warm season turfgrasses. Available in 2 lb. and 15 lb.
Speed-Zone -
(Nonstock Item)
2.5 gallons (Also 30 and 55 gal.)
Rate: 1.1-1.8 oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Speed-Zone is a 4-way post-emergent selective herbicide containing Carfentrazone-ester, 2,4-D Ester, Mecopop-P, and Dicamba. Carfentrazone works by inhibiting Protox a pivotal enzyme in chlorophyll production.
Confront (2-D)
1 gallon
Rate: 1.1-1.8 oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
A 2,4-D free selective herbicide for excellence clover control with one application. Contains triclopyr and clopyralid. For golf course use and industrial use.
Halo 75 WDG
Rate: .66-1.33 oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
A selective turf herbicide for post-emergence control of sedges, including purple/yellow nutsedge in establishment turf.
5 oz
Rate: 1.25 oz per acre
A selective herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in managed turf.
Quintessential™ with H-Value™ Technology alters the formulation of quinclorac in a way that improves absorption of the product into the plant. That means faster activity and higher rate load in the targeted weed, as well as improved performance in drought stress or rainfast situations.
And unlike any other herbicide on the market, Quintessential demonstrates improved control of crabgrass at all growth stages, including the problematic 3-5 tiller stage. Quintessential will be the essential tool for combatting crabgrass and other troublesome turf weeds.
Plant Growth Regulators
Atrimmec PGR
1 gallon
Rate: See Label
Used to reduce trimming and pruning of landscape ornamentals or trees.
Trin-Pac Select
1 gallon
Rate: See Label
A microemulsion concentrate used to manage growth and improve quality and stress tolerance of turf edging and warm and cool-season turfgrasses.
Also Available
- 2, 4-D (1 and 2.5 gal.)
- Ornamec 170
- Pramitol 25E (1 and 2.5 gal.)
- Scythe (2.5 gal.)
- QuickSilver Moss Control (8 oz)
- On Deck Herbicide (2.5 gal.)
- Pramaxis MEC PGR
Miscellaneous Chemicals
Induce pH
An adjuvant that is a special blend of nonionic, low foam, buffering, and conditioning components. It is designed to quickly wet and spread a more uniform spray deposit over plant leaf and stem surfaces. Induce pH resists wash off due to it’s high level of free fatty acids. Available in 2.5 gallons.
Crop Oil Surfactant
Antifoam (Defoamer Select)
A water based, silicone emulsion, antifoam and defoamer that can be used to prevent foam formation or knock down existing foam.
Protection of turf and ornamentals from desiccation due to winds, heat and salt.
Tank Cleaner
Assists with reducing or eliminating residues, chemical or otherwise, from mix tanks and spray equipment.
Aquatic Chemicals
Aquashade/Crystal Blue
1 gallon
Rate: 1/4 gallon per acre ft.
A water colorant dye that blocks sunlight, inhibiting growth of algae and submerged aquatic weeds in non-flowing lakes, ponds and fountains. Safe for the environment. Most effective when applied in water 60F or higher.
Cutrine Plus
1 gallon
Rate: 2.4 gal/A
Cutrine Plus is a liquid formulation that provides effective control of a broad range of algae. The triethanolamine in Cutrine Plus prevents precipitation of copper with carbonates or bicarbonates in water. It is designed specifically for floating or attached algae, filamentous moss, and Chara.
Aquathol Super K
10 lbs
Rate: 2o lbs/A ft.
Dry granules containing 62% of the dipotassium salt of endothol. Aquathol is effective against a broad range of aquatic plants with a wide margin of safety to fish.
Natural Pond Cleaner
1 gallon
Rate: See Label
Natural Pond Cleaner helps breaks down muck and dead vegetation on the pond floor, it also helps neutralize nitrates and phosphates, two things the can feed the growth of unwanted weed and algae.
Cutrine Granular
30 lbs
Rate: See Label
Cutrine is a clean, dry granular algaecide that sinks rapidly in water to the bottom and when scattered evenly over the affected area is especially effective against Chara, Nitella and other bottom growing algae.
5o lbs
Rate: 100-200 lbs/A
For best results spread in the spring or early summer and the water pH should be less than 8.0. Remember to always read the manufactures label!
Copper Sulfate
5 lbs or 15 lbs
50 lbs (Crystals)
50 lbs. (Fine/Snow)
Rate: See Label
For algae control in lakes, ponds and along lake margins. Also effective for moss and algae control in lawns and greenhouses.
Crystal Plex (Algae Control)
1 gallon
Rate: See Label
Crystal Plex is a liquid copper sulfate solution designed to kill and control algae and some aquatic plants including Hydrilla. Pond algae treatments should be done on actively growing algae and when water temperatures are at least 50 F.